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Press release 27 October 2020


Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the United States of America



FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE         Monday, October 26, 2020


                                                 Armenia violates the humanitarian ceasefire reached in Washington

• Washington, DC – As reported1, following intensive negotiations facilitated by the United States on October 24, Armenian and Azerbaijani Foreign Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to implement and abide by the humanitarian ceasefire agreed in Moscow on October 10. Unfortunately, just minutes after the ceasefire took effect at midnight EST on October 26, Armenia’s armed forces subjected Azerbaijan military positions and civilian residential areas to intensive artillery fire along the entire frontline of the conflict.2 Particularly, civilians were targeted in Dashkasan, Aghjabadi, Tartar, Aghdam districts.

• This is third time in just over two weeks that ceasefire regime is being grossly violated by Armenia. The other two ceasefires were agreed to on October 10 and 17 with the Russian and French mediation respectively. In the most series violation of the October 10th truce, Armenia launched unprecedented SCUD ballistic missile attacks on the second largest city of Ganja within hours after the agreed humanitarian ceasefire in Moscow. The attack resulted in the 10 civilian deaths and dozens injured. To date, 65 Azerbaijani civilians, including elderly, women and children have been killed and more than 297 were wounded and hospitalized.

• This is third time in just over two weeks that ceasefire regime is being grossly violated by Armenia and the role of international mediators undermined. Azerbaijan is committed to a lasting peaceful resolution of the conflict and we continue to stand ready to humanitarian ceasefire agreements reached in Washington, DC. Meantime, cargo flights delivering various weapon systems from Russia to Armenia is continuing, including through the most recent Il-76 military cargo flights.

• The Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Azerbaijan stated: “Although the ceasefire entered into effect at 8.00am local time of October 26, 2020, at 8.05 am Armenia launched artillery attacks on the town of Tartar and continued massive shelling of Azerbaijani positions and residential areas all along the front line. Once again, Armenia demonstrated that it has no intention to adhere to any ceasefire it has agreed to and continues to violate all principles of international humanitarian law.”
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